Using this Website


Welcome RRHS Classmates! Thanks for coming by!

If this is your first visit, read this page to see how to get started. Make your profile on your own web page and personalize it by adding pictures, and Playlists. Discover how to do it all right on this page!

Look to the upper left of the page and find "Classmate Profiles." Click on it and find your name there. Click on your name and it will take you to a page that says "Join Here." Then "Click here now" and follow the instructions of adding your email and password so you can interact with your classmates. You don't have to finish it all at once. Come back whenever you want to add to or update your information, or add more photos.

lease add (or allow) the following email address to your "Safe Senders" list so that your spam blocker will allow emails through from the classmates:

All contact information you enter into your profile will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Your contact information is private: your address and phone number can't be seen by classmates unless you grant permission on your profile. When someone clicks on your name, all they will see of your contact information is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your web page. Your email address is not viewable, though an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your web page. However, if you send a message to someone through their profile, they will see your email address so they can respond.

If you choose, you can Password Protect your personal profile to block the general public and search engines from accessing your web page. When you Password Protect, only logged in classmates can see your profile. 

FORGOTTEN PASSWORD: If you forget your password, just click on the "Forgot Password?" retrieval feature under the login feature, and it will be emailed to you.

If you click "Remember Me" when you log in, you will not need to log in next time you go to the site. You can log in from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your password.

Please change your contact information when you get a new ISP or move ... we don't want to lose you. We keep our Class List current by downloading your contact information from this website.

Keep up to date by "subscribing" to other classmate profiles, and you will receive an email when they update their pages.

This is where the main information and announcements are made. Your Webmaster will email you when there is a new Survey or new Poll. Please participate.  FORUM ETIQUETTE: Forums are intended for reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, sharing memories and stories, as well as current interests. Please avoid topics with political and religious messages.

QUESTIONS: Just click on the "Contact Us" button and we'll zip a reply back to you as soon as possible.

If you can not find your name on the Classmates page, please contact us to have your name added. We welcome classmates who went to school with us but did not graduate with our class. We can provide you with a guest account. Those who were supposed to graduate with us and moved away before that please provide a graduating photo for the administrator. Use the Contact Us link. You can find current guests added at the bottom of the Classmates page.

Main information and announcements will be on the Home Page.

Any news of those of us who have passed please notify us as soon as possible. They will be remembered on our "In Memory" page.

How to upload pictures to your web page:   

  1. You can upload .jpeg, .gif, .bmp and .png files, but not .tiff. If you want to edit your pictures but don't have a picture editing program, you can download a free one from You can crop out anything you don't like. You don't need to resize your pictures, as they will automatically be resized when you upload them to your webpage.

  2. When you are ready to add your picture to your personal web page, make sure you are logged in from the Home Page.

  3. In the links on the left side under MEMBER FUNCTIONS, click on the link: Edit/Upload Photos

  4. The Photos for (your name) page will appear and you’ll see a box at the top titled: Upload New Photo. Click on it and you will be at the Upload page.

  5. Click on the box Add Files. A dialog box with a list of folders on your computer will appear. Locate (browse to) the folder that holds the picture you want to add. For most classmates this will be the My Pictures folder located in the My Documents folder. If you are in the icon view, change your view button (at the top) to show icons as pictures. This makes it easier to find the specific picture you want to upload.

  6. Click the Upload button to add the picture to your photos. You will now be back at the page Photos for (your name). The next step is to Sort your photos and add a Caption.

  7. Sort: The Sort number controls the order in which photos display on your page. There are 99999 sort numbers. If you assign Sort numbers 7, 45, 99999, 1, 300, your pictures will show in this order: 1, 7, 45, 300, 99999.

  8. Add a Caption: Caption is the description you write for your picture. 

  9. If you want to choose one of your pictures to be your Master Photo, click in the Master Photo circle for that picture. Your Master Photo will appear in your emails and forum posts.